Friday, February 16, 2007

My First Wedding

I shot my first wedding with my knees knocking and it was wild. At the time, I had no idea what was normal and what was not. Now I know, there is nothing normal about weddings.

I arrived at the Bride's apartment to take photos of her preparations. I had no idea this was going to include a strip tease for the camera. Ok, well I shot it. Just had to remember not to post 'those' shots on the internet.

I had no idea that we would start the wedding 1hr late. I was very careful to screen the bride and groom, they both knew this was a first for me. They were getting virtually free photography and I was getting the lesson of a lifetime. Everything seemed like it would be fine; however, I forgot to ask about mothers.

We have all heard about bridezilla, but does everyone know about the momzillas? Well one didn't speak English and the other one was drunk - before the wedding.

Through all this, I was fine.... Until the reception, when every unattached (and some attached) male thought it was very important to get as close as possible to me. (Yes, Hope Haven is a female photographer).

So the crowning moment was when a particularly drunk person toasted the bride and groom and congratulated them on finding a photographer with such great equipment. Knowing he didn't mean my camera, I could only reply with a smile "Watch out, it IS a Canon!"

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