I have a rule, or a very strong request during the photography of the formal poses. No one can shoot, except me.
Very often at weddings while I am making formal portrait photographs of groups of people, their friends or family want to stand next to me to try and get the same photo I am taking. This is not allowed for several reasons.
First, I am usually on a tight schedule as these photos are often taken just before the wedding ceremony is scheduled to begin and it is hard to stop and explain why I do not want them around with their cameras.
Some people have told me they think it is because I am afraid of losing revenue from print sales or that I am feeling jealous. It is not that. However, I did study with masters to be able to pose the groups in a certain way and achieve a brandable look for our company. It would be considered stealing to photograph someone elses work of art and that is what I consider our formals to be.
We often also use studio lights for formals, other flashes will interfere with these lights.
However the number 1 reason is I want everyone in my photo to be looking in the same direction. I illustrate this below.

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