On Monday, I was very very saddened to learn of the suicide death of a former employee. Lindsey came to us fresh out of high school already facing a lot of problems. She had been kicked out of her home, she was pregnant and the father already out of the picture. She wasn't with us long, but she was with us long enough for me to learn how troubled she was.
I feel so guilty and convicted for not doing more to help her. I am sure that God doesn't want us to dwell on the past just as equally as I am sure he would want us to learn from it and move on and grow as people and Christians.
When I spoke to Lindsey's mother this morning, she gave me permission to use her first name and the details of her employment with me to write this letter. So I am asking all who read this to think of the people in their lives, the people who might be more acquaintances than friends, but think of all the people in your life and identify anyone who might be struggling. A kind word, a email, a quick note just to let someone know that you are thinking of them and praying for them might make all the difference in someone's life. I am not suggesting that we can stop all suicide with a note, but it is a start. If you can make your world and the people in it just a little kinder...treat everyone you meet with just a little more care and empathy. What a terrific world we would have.
I typically shy away from preaching, especially my love for God, on such a public forum as my blog, so if anyone seriously objects...I suggest the upper right X....or the red button.
Thank you for listening and may God bless each and every one of you.
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